Homeschooling with ADHD? Yes, You Can!

Homeschooling is a great fit for many families, but can it work for you if you have ADHD? Absolutely! I know multiple moms with ADHD who have homeschooled their children successfully for many years. However, ADHD brings a unique set of challenges. In this article, we’ll address three limiting beliefs that might be holding you … Continue reading Homeschooling with ADHD? Yes, You Can!

The Unexpected Blessing of a School Interrupted

Life does not go as planned.  My homeschool rarely went as planned.  Life happens. This truth would often send me into a bit of a tailspin as I am a planner.  I love lists of goals, short-term and long-term; I love filling in my calendar, and it pains me to mark through a plan that … Continue reading The Unexpected Blessing of a School Interrupted

Cooking Like My Grandmother

My grandmother was famous for her food.… her bread…. her pies….her Chocolate-Mayonnaise Cake…. and her canned foods…. and her fried chicken, especially her fried chicken. Her fame spread from Ohio to Oklahoma and Texas and among all the relatives strung out in between. She wasn’t famous for fancy food. She was famous for food that … Continue reading Cooking Like My Grandmother

Done is Good Enough

I struggle with perfectionism. I keep things tidy, and I craft meals and sentences with care. I like correct answers, excellent grades, and jobs done all the way.  So, as you can imagine, my sinful heart needed teaching about which things are important and which are not. So, God gifted me a husband who is … Continue reading Done is Good Enough

Dealing with Disruptions

Since homeschooling happens in the real world while our real lives are going on around us, we often face disruptive events which throw us off stride and threaten to derail our entire educational process for a time. Younger siblings, home-based businesses, and household emergencies all can disrupt our planned school day. However, we know that … Continue reading Dealing with Disruptions

Goal Setting For Teens

 While we want our teens to move toward self-regulation and independence, it’s important to remember that executive function is not always consistent in the maturing human. Teens are in a constant state of growth and development, and sometimes, certain areas will fall back while others surge ahead. The child who efficiently managed advanced classes and … Continue reading Goal Setting For Teens

I Can Wear Three Hats in a Day

Homeschool mamas wear a lot of hats. That means that every day has a lot of jobs. Every day, we are a child of God, a wife, a mother, and a daughter before taking on anything else. In any one day, before we count any other employment, we are teacher, maid, chauffeur, chef, laundress, nurse, … Continue reading I Can Wear Three Hats in a Day

Where Did the Time Go?

When my children were very young, and everything seemed hard, I would often have other moms that had been there and done that tell me to enjoy every moment because the time goes by faster than I expect. I look back now and wish I had taken that advice to heart a little more. It … Continue reading Where Did the Time Go?