Homeschool like a Lazy Genius

Kendra Adachi hosts the enjoyable The Lazy Genius Podcast. On the show, she applies principles from her book, The Lazy Genius Way, to various decisions, scenarios, and topics.  You can learn more at her website: Although she was homeschooled as a kid, she isn’t homeschooling her children right now, so she rarely applies these … Continue reading Homeschool like a Lazy Genius

Learning Styles

All children take in information. It is how we grow in thought and ability. The manner in which each child RETAINS information, though, may be unique. Here, we discuss three basic learning styles that may help you connect with your children and help them experience a more gratifying education. Auditory Learner An auditory learner retains … Continue reading Learning Styles

Cooking Like My Grandmother

My grandmother was famous for her food.… her bread…. her pies….her Chocolate-Mayonnaise Cake…. and her canned foods…. and her fried chicken, especially her fried chicken. Her fame spread from Ohio to Oklahoma and Texas and among all the relatives strung out in between. She wasn’t famous for fancy food. She was famous for food that … Continue reading Cooking Like My Grandmother

Education Changes the World

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. ~ Nelson Mandela Read that statement again and let it marinate. We tend to think of education as reading, writing, and arithmetic, but education is much more than that. Education influences a child’s worldview, and the subjects taught solidify that worldview as … Continue reading Education Changes the World

God Has Not Called You To Be a ‘Great Homeschooler’

At least, if He HAS called you to that, it is not the first thing He has called you to do.  More importantly, He has called you to be His disciple-er to your child. I remember a conversation I was a part of many years ago in my parents’ home.  A visitor was in the … Continue reading God Has Not Called You To Be a ‘Great Homeschooler’

So, You Are Moving to Oklahoma!

Here’s what you need to get started homeschooling here! First of all, WELCOME! We are glad you’re here! We are Homeschool Oklahoma, and we are here to equip, encourage and inform you on your homeschool journey. We have worked to make our website as helpful and comprehensive as possible, and we invite you to browse … Continue reading So, You Are Moving to Oklahoma!

Preparing to Teach: Homeschool Edition

Mom!  Where’s my (insert book or supply here)?  Is your homeschool day continually delayed because everything isn’t prepared and at hand? Sometimes the problem is that someone didn’t return an item to its home; other times, I haven’t prepared. Either way, a little time spent getting things together will improve the situation. Schedule Time In … Continue reading Preparing to Teach: Homeschool Edition

Dealing with Disruptions

Since homeschooling happens in the real world while our real lives are going on around us, we often face disruptive events which throw us off stride and threaten to derail our entire educational process for a time. Younger siblings, home-based businesses, and household emergencies all can disrupt our planned school day. However, we know that … Continue reading Dealing with Disruptions

Teaching vs. Learning

As home educators, we want our children to use their childhood years of education to gain knowledge and skill and prepare their minds for the future. To that end, we research, purchase, print, and present various materials, supplies, and curricula. We study and write lesson plans. We sit down with our children, we show what … Continue reading Teaching vs. Learning

I Can Wear Three Hats in a Day

Homeschool mamas wear a lot of hats. That means that every day has a lot of jobs. Every day, we are a child of God, a wife, a mother, and a daughter before taking on anything else. In any one day, before we count any other employment, we are teacher, maid, chauffeur, chef, laundress, nurse, … Continue reading I Can Wear Three Hats in a Day