You can cultivate an environment that encourages your young entrepreneur, creating an atmosphere of growth. I am the mom of a talented eighteen-year-old baker growing her business, and baking is her passion. I didn’t always think about cultivating an entrepreneurial environment; I had to learn this.
I had to recognize God’s grand design to grasp this new idea. He has a plan for my children. I had to learn that He is the master of my children. We know that God is the creator of the universe, but we can forget that He is the creator and master of our children. As parents, we spend so much time checking off all the boxes of curriculum and extracurricular activities that we forget that they are His creation. He has created them uniquely and for his purpose. As Todd Wilson wrote, “God is big enough to kill the dumb dream.” I don’t have to do that.
Once I realized these things, I had to create an atmosphere in which they could dream big. Here are some practical things we did to create and cultivate their passion.
First, identify their interests and let them pursue them. Even at a young age, you will see what interests them. Bella always loved food, and Dani was always curious. So, I invited them into the kitchen with me and allowed them to tinker and be curious.
Secondly, I suggest incorporating their interest into their school. The beauty of homeschooling is that time gets dedicated time to their passions. We pursued many interests for our girls. We had robots, computers, editing, cooking, baking, gardening, jewelry making, writing, farming, art, music, decorating, traveling, and homemaking. I am not interested in all these things, but for them, I am willing to explore all their passions. It is essential to say that we required them to finish the project. We didn’t jump from one thing to another. If we were interested in gardening, we completed a whole season even if we didn’t grow anything. It was more important to grow together.
Thirdly, don’t give them everything, even when you can. Create opportunities to brainstorm and activate those entrepreneurs’ skills. Allow them to figure out how to get what they want. Teach them to problem-solve and to pivot. Things don’t always go according to plan. If your child has an entrepreneurial gift, you will see it grow in these circumstances, and if they don’t, you can begin to help them grow in that trait.
Lastly, allow them to stretch and even to fail. We have seen great successes in great defeat. You can try to teach perseverance, but being in the trenches with them as they figure out how to fix a problem and rise to the occasion is an excellent reward for you and them. When they push themselves, you can see the depth of their desires to overcome; you know if it’s a hobby or their true passion. God’s grace covers her as she runs Que Bella Bakery, where she makes the most delicious gluten-free treats in Oklahoma City.
Remember, God is bigger, and he knows your kids even better than you do. The most incredible thing I have learned is how big God is and how He ultimately is in control. These were not my career paths for my girls. I have a gluten-free kid who is a baker, and my other daughter is allergic to every grass and tree and is my gardener. I would have never chosen these two paths for my daughters pre-homeschooling and listening to God. We didn’t do anything you can’t do with your children. Let them dream, create an atmosphere and see where it leads your family.