Encouraging Your Young Entrepreneur

You can cultivate an environment that encourages your young entrepreneur, creating an atmosphere of growth. I am the mom of a talented eighteen-year-old baker growing her business, and baking is her passion. I didn’t always think about cultivating an entrepreneurial environment; I had to learn this. I had to recognize God’s grand design to grasp … Continue reading Encouraging Your Young Entrepreneur

What I Wish I Had Known When I Started Homeschooling?

As I come to the end of another year of homeschooling, the magnitude of this year hits me. We are graduating our oldest child. I can not rewind time. I can not go back and change what I did, but I can share what I have learned. First, let me tell you, I would do … Continue reading What I Wish I Had Known When I Started Homeschooling?

Dear Homeschooling,

As we start the last First Day of our semester, I am overcome with emotion. I watch our firstborn work diligently and cannot believe we are here. As we near the end of our homeschool journey with our oldest, I wanted to take a moment and write a letter to you. First, you have not … Continue reading Dear Homeschooling,