Here are the links to our suggestions for beautiful things for May, highlighting beautiful words, sounds, and places that are old and beautiful as well as early art and music, and the delights of spring. Back to Simple Beauty Page
Aesop for May
Fables are short stories that have a moral. Aesop, who lived in Greece from 640 to 564 BC, gathered many ancient fables into a collection to share with his community. We’ve chosen a few for you this month, and they are linked at Read some or all of them with your students and talk … Continue reading Aesop for May
Nature study can be as simple as a short walk in the neighborhood or as elaborate as a week in a National Park. Don’t make it hard. This month, We are going to look for Caterpillars and Butterflies. If you can’t find these critters in your yard, you’ll be able to find pictures of these … Continue reading Caterpillars
Life and Times of Latin America
Let’s explore the ancient world. We’ve chosen folk tales, myths, biographies, and documentaries from a few of the many areas of Latin America, and we have maps for you to download and trace or fill in also. Map Study: Map Study is very simple. Print a map. Label what you can from memory. Look up … Continue reading Life and Times of Latin America
All Creatures of Our God and King
Hymns are beautiful truths poetically told, hung on a rhythm, and held in a melody. This makes them memorable. Hymn study is extremely simple. Sing the hymn once a day. We’ve provided you links to different versions of “All Creatures of Our God and King” to enjoy and a link to download the sheet music … Continue reading All Creatures of Our God and King
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Composer Study is simple. Pick a composer to listen to over some time. Every once in a while, play a composition by him. Listen to it. Think and talk about it. This month, we are listening to compositions by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, who composed for all sorts of instruments, choirs, and orchestras across Europe. Biography: … Continue reading Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Picture Study is simple. Look at the picture with your children for a few minutes and then talk about what you saw. Try to remember as much about the piece as you can. Enjoy the beauty of it. Art is not a chore; it’s a pleasure. This year, we are looking at older art, and … Continue reading Caravaggio
Simple Beauty Ancients: April
In Simple Beauty for April, expect to learn something new about El Greco, meet Henry Purcell, learn about life in the Arctic, read more fables, learn the words and story of When I Survey the Wondrous Cross, and discover invertebrates who live in your yard or a nearby creek. Back to Simple Beauty Page
Nature Study Invertebrates
Nature study can be as simple as a short walk in the neighborhood or as elaborate as a week in a National Park. Don’t make it hard. This month, We are going to look for spiders. You’ll be able to find pictures of these items and many others online to explore with your children. Remember: … Continue reading Nature Study Invertebrates
Aesop for April
Fables are short stories that have a moral. Aesop, who lived in Greece from 640 to 564 BC, gathered many ancient fables into a collection to share with his community. We’ve chosen a few for you this month, and they are linked at Read some or all of them with your students and talk … Continue reading Aesop for April