Hymns are beautiful truths poetically told, hung on a rhythm, and held in a melody. This makes them memorable. Hymn study is extremely simple. Sing the hymn once a day. We’ve provided links to different versions to enjoy and a link to download the sheet music for the hymn. Some of this year’s selections are … Continue reading Great is Thy Faithfulness
Blessed Assurance
Hymns are beautiful truths poetically told, hung on a rhythm, and held in a melody. This makes them memorable. Hymn study is extremely simple. Sing the hymn once a day. We’ve provided links to different versions to enjoy and a link to download the sheet music for the hymn. Some of this year’s selections are … Continue reading Blessed Assurance
To God Be the Glory
Hymns are beautiful truths poetically told, hung on a rhythm, and held in a melody. This makes them memorable. Hymn study is extremely simple. Sing the hymn once a day. We’ve provided links to different versions to enjoy and a link to download the sheet music for the hymn. Some of this year’s selections are … Continue reading To God Be the Glory
Jesus Paid It All
Hymns are beautiful truths poetically told, hung on a rhythm, and held in a melody. This makes them memorable. Hymn study is extremely simple. Sing the hymn once a day. We’ve provided links to different versions to enjoy and a link to download the sheet music for the hymn. Some of this year’s selections are … Continue reading Jesus Paid It All
My Hope is Built On Nothing Less
Hymns are beautiful truths poetically told, hung on a rhythm, and held in a melody. This makes them memorable. Hymn study is extremely simple. Sing the hymn once a day. We’ve provided links to different versions to enjoy and a link to download the sheet music for the hymn. Some of this year’s selections are … Continue reading My Hope is Built On Nothing Less
Go Tell It On the Mountain
Hymns are beautiful truths poetically told, hung on a rhythm, and held in a melody. This makes them memorable. Hymn study is extremely simple. Sing the hymn once a day. We’ve provided links to different versions to enjoy and a link to download the sheet music for the hymn. Some of this year’s selections are … Continue reading Go Tell It On the Mountain
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
Hymns are beautiful truths poetically told, hung on a rhythm, and held in a melody. This makes them memorable. Hymn study is extremely simple. Sing the hymn once a day. We’ve provided you links to different versions to enjoy and a link to download the sheet music for the hymn. Some of this year’s selections … Continue reading Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
When Peace Like A River
Hymns are beautiful truths poetically told, hung on a rhythm, and held in a melody. This makes them memorable. Hymn study is extremely simple. Sing the hymn once a day. We’ve provided you links to different versions to enjoy and a link to download the sheet music for the hymn. Some of this year’s selections … Continue reading When Peace Like A River
I Sing the Mighty Power of God
Isaac Watts Biography Isaac Watts (1674-1748) was an English pastor and composer of hymns. He was a religious nonconformist (not a member of either the Catholic or the Anglican church). Many of his hymns made it to the New World with the Separatists, the Puritans, and other nonconformist Protestant groups. Many of these hymns (often … Continue reading I Sing the Mighty Power of God
How Great Thou Art
Hymns are beautiful truths poetically told, hung on a rhythm, and held in a melody. This makes them memorable. Hymn study is extremely simple. Sing the hymn once a day. We’ve provided you links to different versions to enjoy, as well as a link to download the sheet music for the hymn. Some of this … Continue reading How Great Thou Art