Exploring Museums

Here is a start at listing all of the Museum field trips we can think of. You’ll need to do your own research for details about each one because things change all the time. Have a favorite that we missed? Have other information that we should add? Let us know by emailing team@hsok.org and including … Continue reading Exploring Museums

Exploring Virtually

Here’s a start at virtual field trips you can take if the weather is bad or you can’t leave your house for another reason. We haven’t reviewed all of these. You might do them on your own before you show the kids.: Virtual Field Trips Around The World Castles: http://www.castlewales.com/listings.html#Click%20on Egypt: http://homepage.powerup.com.au/~ancient/tour.htm Farm: http://www.msichicago.org/exhibit/farm/video.html Farm … Continue reading Exploring Virtually

Exploring the Outdoors

Here is a start at listing all of the Outdoor field trips we can think of. You’ll need to do your own research for details about each one because things change all the time. Have a favorite that we missed? Have other information that we should add? Let us know by emailing team@hsok.org and including … Continue reading Exploring the Outdoors

Authors are our Teachers

A word fitly spokenIs like apples of gold in pictures of silver. – Prov. 25:11 Great authors are wordsmiths.  Through vivid imagery and careful syntax, their words ferry our minds to mythical lands with unexpected characters or turn the ordinary into the extraordinary.  This is artistry in ink; a picture painted in intelligible letters placed, … Continue reading Authors are our Teachers

What We Learn When We Learn Chemistry

Introduction “But why do I need to learn this?” is a common refrain from students of all ages.  It is frequently a struggle to answer.  Other people design standard curriculums, and we follow along.  This is disheartening for both the teacher and the student.   “What we learn when we learn…” is a series of … Continue reading What We Learn When We Learn Chemistry

Dear Homeschooling,

As we start the last First Day of our semester I am overcome with emotion. I am watching our firstborn diligently work, and I cannot believe we are here. As we near the end of our homeschool journey with our oldest I wanted to take a moment and write a letter to you. First, you … Continue reading Dear Homeschooling,

Managing a Home in a State of Flux

How do you get it all done?  Dishes, laundry, meals (both prepping and planning), vacuuming the incessant dog hair, keeping surfaces clean and dust-free, making the beds, chauffeuring kids to activities, AND homeschooling?  The truth is, it CAN’T all be done.  Unfortunately, things that get done are quickly undone by other persons residing with you.  … Continue reading Managing a Home in a State of Flux

Is Your Curriculum working for your family?

Mid-year breaks are a great time to evaluate whether that shiny product you bought in August is still working in your homeschool.  Remember when you bought it?  You were sure that this was the thing that was going to help your kid get it.  But now it’s not proving the test of time (or the … Continue reading Is Your Curriculum working for your family?

Entertaining the Littles while Schooling the Bigs

I think this question has been the most often asked of me through the years by homeschooling mamas striving to teach younger and older students.  It was MY number one question during that season as well.  The quick answer: “You ARE teaching them!”  It is amazing what those little ears pick up and what those … Continue reading Entertaining the Littles while Schooling the Bigs

How to Plan a Field Trip

Field trips can be a rich source for actual education; I mean REAL learning. My family visited a military history museum in Broken Arrow recently, and the guys who work there are all military veterans who want to tell you about the wars they were in and their personal experiences. It was enlightening! There’s no … Continue reading How to Plan a Field Trip