Education is a Love

As parents or guardians, we make daily decisions for our children in every area of their lives. If we strip those decisions back to their roots, we know that everything we choose for our children is rooted in love. Decisions surrounding our children’s education are an expression of love for the future adult we are … Continue reading Education is a Love

Where Are Your Peeps, Moms?

In my early days of homeschooling, I found it to be a somewhat lonely journey.  Here I was at home with these two tiny humans all day.  At first, our days were full of wonderment and adventure because of the “newness” of the season.  I quickly, though, found myself running out of creativity, resources, new … Continue reading Where Are Your Peeps, Moms?

Education is a Life

Maybe it has been an extraordinarily long and busy weekend, or week, or month.  Everyone sits around completely zoned out, except for one zooming around the house like a kitten at midnight and one grumping about the zoomer. Does this mean that homeschool should be canceled? Are you failing at educating and your little people … Continue reading Education is a Life

What I Wish I Had Known When My Children Were Little

When my children were little, I wish I had known how fast the little would go away. I wish I had known that all that worry about the future was a waste of the time that we could have spent playing outside. I wish I had known that my friends really didn’t care if my … Continue reading What I Wish I Had Known When My Children Were Little

Education is a Discipline

Discipline, “the practice of training,” is nowhere more necessary than in the application of education. Whether we are schooling from an all-in-one boxed curriculum, an eclectic mix of sources, or choosing a life-schooling/unschooling option – the practice of training our family to a disciplined education is crucial. So what does it mean to treat this … Continue reading Education is a Discipline

Education is an Atmosphere

There are some places or events where the atmosphere is so focused and palpable that mental immersion in the situation is almost inescapable: the starting line of a marathon, a solemn religious service, a college classroom during a final exam. Whether it was your intention to be involved or not, when someone puts an extensive … Continue reading Education is an Atmosphere

That’s What Break Week Is For

Have you had too many weeks in a row when you couldn’t get everything done? I don’t mean you didn’t finish all the schoolwork; you are way behind in the stuff one would think would be easy. For example, when it’s time to pay the bills, you realize you haven’t filed away the bills for … Continue reading That’s What Break Week Is For

Organize Your Homeschool Using Habits

What is a habit? A “habit is a routine or behavior that is performed regularly—and, in many cases, automatically” (Clear 13).  Are there things that you ought to do regularly, but that you don’t ever accomplish? Would you like to get them done? If you could incorporate them into your day as habits, they would … Continue reading Organize Your Homeschool Using Habits

Homeschool Communities Across the Nation Pitch In to Help During COVID-19

Getting started with homeschooling is difficult, and I can only imagine the struggle that parents and students across the nation are engaged in as they are unexpectedly thrust into home education without any preparation. Forbes is calling this “The World’s Homeschooling Moment.” Homeschool organizations across the country have recognized the issue, and are doing what … Continue reading Homeschool Communities Across the Nation Pitch In to Help During COVID-19

Thrust Into Home Education? Let Us Help.

Usually, the decision to educate your children at home is made with lots of consideration and prayer. However, due to recent events with the COVID-19 outbreak, many parents have found that they have been suddenly thrust into home education, even if only temporarily. Whether this is a temporary situation for you, or if you have … Continue reading Thrust Into Home Education? Let Us Help.