Homeschooling… for now

“So…where do your kids go to school?” “Oh! We are homeschooling for now.” For now. Back in 1997, when Bill Clinton was committing to another four years in office, the Hale-Bopp comet was doing a fly-by, and The Lion King opened on Broadway, our little family of four embarked on the adventure of home education. … Continue reading Homeschooling… for now

Managing Middle School Mayhem

Much of the mystery and mayhem associated with the raging hormones of the middle school years can be mitigated by choosing to homeschool. While many of us remember the drama, tears, and embarrassment of attending public school in junior high, we can offer our own children a safe haven of support and understanding during these … Continue reading Managing Middle School Mayhem

Teaching Older Elementary Students

Ah, those upper elementary years! They’re not chubby-fingered cherubs any more, but they’re not yet ready to learn on their own. This is the age of emerging skills. Most students are still mastering the basics of reading, writing, and math, and schoolwork can seem incredibly tedious. Here are a few things to keep in mind … Continue reading Teaching Older Elementary Students

Why Read Aloud?

You’ve probably heard a lot of talk in the homeschool community about the importance of reading aloud. Reading is fast becoming a lost art in our video-based society. But it still remains the most efficient means of gaining information as well as a very pleasant way to slow down and enjoy a story. Today we’re … Continue reading Why Read Aloud?

Organize Your Homeschool Using Habits

What is a habit? A “habit is a routine or behavior that is performed regularly—and, in many cases, automatically” (Clear 13).  Are there things that you ought to do regularly, but that you don’t ever accomplish? Would you like to get them done? If you could incorporate them into your day as habits, they would … Continue reading Organize Your Homeschool Using Habits

Homeschool Lite: Ease into Your Year

Starting off the school year at full speed seems natural since there is so much to learn, and we want to get our routines in place as soon as possible. But if you’ve taken a significant break, coming in like a wrecking-ball can cause trouble within just a few days’ time. This suggested method is … Continue reading Homeschool Lite: Ease into Your Year

Mapping a Plan for High School

The number one question I hear over and over again is: “How can you homeschool through high school?” The answer is a resounding, “yes, you can!” The first step in conquering this task is to make a four year plan. When my oldest approached high school age, he was interested in going to college. So, … Continue reading Mapping a Plan for High School

Plan a School Year in Five Steps

Planning our homeschool journey is by far my favorite thing to do each year. There is something heavenly about dreaming of the future. What goals do we want to achieve as a family, for each of my children, and for goals do I have for myself? Every year I build a planner for the year. … Continue reading Plan a School Year in Five Steps

Juggling Home Education with Employment

Andrea Hogue shares with us a series of videos on juggling home education and employment. Teaching your children to be self-sufficient is not only good for you, it’s good for their long-term benefit. Introduction and a Visual Schedule Using a Work Box to Help Students Learn to Self-Govern The Importance of Snack Management in a … Continue reading Juggling Home Education with Employment