What We Learn When We Read Oedipus Rex

When students (and parents, and even teachers) hear they have to read Oedipus, the only thing that comes into their mind is, “ewwwwwwww…”. While that is certainly an understandable reaction given what most people know about the story, the fact is that Oedipus Rex is one of the best stories to illustrate one of the … Continue reading What We Learn When We Read Oedipus Rex

Choosing Curriculum with Donna Smith

Finding the right curriculum can feel overwhelming. Parents have so many questions and worries. What happens if I choose the wrong one? What happens if I leave something out? Donna Smith helps homeschooling moms think through the process of finding what’s right for their family. Who is Donna Smith? Steve and Donna Smith are Oklahoma … Continue reading Choosing Curriculum with Donna Smith

Encouragement for New Homeschoolers with Betsa Delgado

What is it like to be a new homeschool mom? Here, we sit down with homeschooling advocate and encourager Betsa Delgado to talk about how it feels for someone to start homeschooling, and why they should continue on. Who is Betsa Delgado? Jason and Betsa Delgado were high schools sweetheart and have been married since … Continue reading Encouragement for New Homeschoolers with Betsa Delgado

Capitol Day 2022 with Kevin Collins

In this episode, we sit down with Kevin Collins, organizer of the Capitol Day event on February 10 in the Oklahoma State Capitol. Every year homeschool Oklahoma makes an organized trip to the Capitol to make our presence known to our legislators and ask them to leave homeschoolers alone. Kevin and Jonathan talk about why … Continue reading Capitol Day 2022 with Kevin Collins

Why Homeschool with Paul Rose

Welcome to the new Homeschool Oklahoma podcast! In this first episode, host Jonathan Bartlett interviews HSOK president Paul Rose on the purposes of homeschooling. We discuss the reasons why we homeschool, what makes homeschooling unique, and the differences between family-led constitutional homeschooling and virtual public schooling. Paul also shares some family adventures he has had … Continue reading Why Homeschool with Paul Rose