Georgia O’Keeffe (1887-1986)

Georgia O’Keeffe was born on a farm in Wisconsin in 1887. She spent a large part of her life admiring natural things, from flowers and seashells to mountains and animal bones found in the desert. Preferring to portray natural, inanimate objects, she rarely painted people or animals. Georgia studied at different art schools and colleges all over the United States. She loved New York City, and she met many modern artists during her time there.

Even though Georgia needed money to live, she felt very awkward about selling her paintings. Midway through her life, Georgia visited the deserts of New Mexico and West Texas. Eventually, she moved there to stay. 

Her work was very original, finding beauty in things most people would not notice. She is known for painting with clean lines, bright colors, and original ideas.

The Art

Much of Georgia O’Keeffe’s work is still under copywriter, so we link you to other sites to see her work.

Internet Resources

Georgia O’Keeffe Website

print Resources*

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Photo of Artist: By Carl Van Vechten – Van Vechten Collection at Library of Congress, Public Domain,

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