Sustaining Membership: Monthly payment option

$5.00 / month



Sustaining Membership is for those who want to give to sustain Homeschool Oklahoma’s effort to promote, protect, equip, and encourage Oklahoma’s home educators.  As a “thank you,” Sustaining Members receive the following:

  • Digital Back Issues of the HSOK Informer
  • Early registration to opportunities like Homeschool Day at the Cowboy.
  • Discount to HSLDA Membership ($15 value)
  • Members-only access to the HSOK Website and its extras
  • Digital download of the HSOK Homeschooling Handbook (when it’s ready)
  • Discounted admission to Special Events, like the Oklahoma Moms’ Winter Summit
  • Special gifts and coupons from our Sponsors!

Membership is a subscription that renews automatically each month. We are happy to offer this option in good faith that those who choose it will remain members for some time. The monthly price is higher than the annual price to cover the fees from multiple transactions. We’ll do our best to provide you with an excellent community and access to the information you need to enhance your home education journey and to ensure that you continue to have the legal right to choose your child’s education.