Meet us at the Oklahoma State Capitol on February 4, 2025.

Capitol Day 2024 was a great success! More than 400 families (1300+ people) came to express gratitude for our freedom to home-educate in Oklahoma at Capitol Day 2024. Governor Stitt met 221 homeschooling students and parents in the Blue Room. Families and students made more than 220 dozen cookies, which were all delivered to representatives, senators, their teams, and capitol staff.

Because we’d all like to keep our freedom to homeschool, please get in touch with your senator and house representative and share your concerns about the bills that could bring regulations to homeschooling families in Oklahoma.

Register Below!

What is Capitol Day?

Each year, Homeschool Oklahoma hosts Capitol Day at our State Capitol, inviting homeschooling families from all over Oklahoma to visit our legislators. These families share their appreciation for our legislators and their work to protect our freedoms, and they also may share concerns about any legislation that may infringe upon that freedom. Register below!

Tentative Capitol Day Schedule

  • 9:00 am: Check-in at the State House
    2300 N Lincoln Blvd. Oklahoma City, OK 73105
    • Ambassadors pick up packets and assignments
    • Allies pick up cookies and enjoy the day.
  • 10:00 am – 11:00 am: Legislator Visits
    • Homeschool choir performs
    • Allies deliver cookies to legislators
  • 10:50 am:  Rally on the 2nd-floor rotunda
  • 11:30 am: Lunch on your own
  • 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm: Performances
    • Live Historians on the 2nd-floor rotunda
  • 1:00 – 3:00 pm:  Senate and House sessions

Why does HSOK host Capitol Day?

Those new to Oklahoma often ask, “How do we inform the state that we are homeschooling?” They are relieved that they don’t need to do anything. The freedom available to Oklahoma’s home-educating families is a relief. We continue to protect the future of homeschooling families in this state so that we see more delight in discovering our beautiful freedoms.

In the Great State of Oklahoma, homeschooling families are free to teach their children in the way they choose without interference from the state. Oklahoma has fewer regulations concerning homeschooling than any other state, with the ability to educate our children “by other means” built right into the state constitution.

Homeschool Oklahoma works to keep homeschooling as free from regulations as possible in our state. You can learn more about the Whys and Hows of Capitol Day in this podcast episode with Kevin Collins, who runs the Capitol Day Committee.

Come to Capitol Day on February 4, 2025. Please watch the HSOK Informer Newsletter and HSOK’s social media for more information and announcements.

How Can You Help?

There are several different ways your family can participate in this important day. All of the roles listed below are meaningful and rewarding! Please read below and prayerfully consider how you and your family can help. Sign up for Ambassador, Ally, or Prayer Partner on the Capitol Day Registration 2025 form below, or sign up to be a Baker on the Capitol Day Cookie Drop 2025 form below.

Be an Ambassador

The Ambassadors will meet with our legislators. These home-educating moms, dads, and teenagers will visit the Capitol to thank them for their service and encourage them to leave the current laws that allow us to choose appropriate education for our children in place. They will also voice concerns about any legislation restricting our homeschooling freedom. Ambassadors will be from families committed to parent-led and family-funded constitutional homeschools. This year’s Ambassadors are training and preparing! Pray for them as they speak with Legislators. Sign up below to be an Ambassador and attend two required online training classes to learn the ins and outs of talking to legislators and which bills raise concerns. Once you sign up below, you’ll receive a Zoom link for the classes. Jump to the sign-up form below!

Be Allies

Ally families will visit their legislators to say “thank you.” If you don’t know who your legislators are, this is the perfect opportunity to meet them and put homeschooling faces in front of them! Please sign up as Allies if you and your children are willing to meet and deliver cards and cookies to your senators and representatives, thanking them for their service to our state. We want every Oklahoma State Senator and Representative to receive a “thank you” from a homeschooling family, so please register as Allies below. Jump to the sign-up form below!

Be a Prayer Partner

We created a prayer guide covering the two weeks before Capitol Day and the two weeks after. We need everyone to be a prayer warrior, so please take this opportunity to lift Oklahoma’s home educators, our right to parent as we see fit, our legislators, and our state in prayer. Visit the Prayer Guide for those twenty-eight days and pray specifically for each day’s suggestion. These topics will also pop up on our social media on the appropriate day. Sign up below!

2025 Capitol Day Registration

During Capitol Day, the families that sign up to be Allies will visit state legislators and tell them, “thank you for working so hard to protect homeschooling freedom in Oklahoma.” To show their gratitude, these families will give legislators a box of homemade cookies made by a homeschooling family. If you want to bake some cookies, sign up below. Also, to get your students involved, have them make a thank-you card. Soon, we will have drop-off locations around the state listed here.

Capitol Day Cookie Drop 2025

Support Capitol Day Financially

Capitol Day has costs associated with it. Can you help to cover those expenses? If you’d like to donate to our general fund, you can do that too. Donate to the General Fund Today!

Donate to the General Fund Today!

Read the current Legislative Alert!