Done is Good Enough

I struggle with perfectionism. I keep things tidy and craft meals and sentences with care. I like correct answers, excellent grades, and jobs done all the way.  So, as you can imagine, my sinful heart needed teaching about which things are important and which are not. So, God gifted me a husband who is my … Continue reading Done is Good Enough

I Can Wear Three Hats in a Day

Homeschool mamas wear a lot of hats. That means that every day has a lot of jobs. Every day, we are a child of God, a wife, a mother, and a daughter before taking on anything else. In any one day, before we count any other employment, we are teacher, maid, chauffeur, chef, laundress, nurse, … Continue reading I Can Wear Three Hats in a Day

That’s What Break Week Is For

Have you had too many weeks in a row when you couldn’t get everything done? I don’t mean you didn’t finish all the schoolwork; you are way behind in the stuff one would think would be easy. For example, when it’s time to pay the bills, you realize you haven’t filed away the bills for … Continue reading That’s What Break Week Is For

Why Read Aloud?

You’ve probably heard a lot of talk in the homeschool community about the importance of reading aloud. Reading is fast becoming a lost art in our video-based society. But it still remains the most efficient means of gaining information as well as a very pleasant way to slow down and enjoy a story. Today we’re … Continue reading Why Read Aloud?

Organize Your Homeschool Using Habits

What is a habit? A “habit is a routine or behavior that is performed regularly—and, in many cases, automatically” (Clear 13).  Are there things that you ought to do regularly, but that you don’t ever accomplish? Would you like to get them done? If you could incorporate them into your day as habits, they would … Continue reading Organize Your Homeschool Using Habits