Nature Study: Stars

Nature study is harder in February than at other times of the year. Flowers are dormant. Creatures are hiding. Trees are bare. But, the night sky is beautiful. It gets dark early, and the cold seems to make the stars brighter. We’ve gathered some information about constellations that you might be able to see from Oklahoma.



Have you heard of Anna Botsford Comstock’s Handbook of Nature Study? It’s a fantastic book that covers all kinds of creatures, plants, and habitats. Since it has all sorts of resources in it, you should download it for free here!

Anna Botsford Comstock talks about Stars on pages 887-904. Take a few minutes to read those pages, and then keep those ideas in mind as you and your kids watch for evergreens this month. That way, you may remember the answers to some of their questions, and you have another handy resource to check when you can’t.

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