One of the advantages of homeschooling is flexibility in your school schedule. However, I always had a schedule that needed to be followed and did not always appreciate the flexibility that homeschooling offered, but rainy days always called to me to stop and just enjoy that we weren’t running from here to there.
Rainy days offered a reminder that school can take more forms than just lesson plans and workbook pages. Learning happens in just the simple act of enjoying different inside activities as it rains outside.
Some of our favorite rainy day activities included building an ear that we could crawl through. This was a fun activity that we learned when we studied Attentiveness in our Konos unit study. How could you modify ideas and facts you are studying into an active and creative activity?
Another favorite was to build bridges, buildings, or other structures from dry spaghetti and little marshmallows. There are some instructions here.
Read aloud the book Stone Soup, and then make stone soup for lunch or dinner. Kids love preparing this soup and stirring the pot. The recipe is in the back of the book, and the ingredients are likely to be in your pantry already.
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Here are all kinds of ideas for helping your kids appreciate a slow, cozy day inside: