Free Lessons

If you unfamiliar with home education and need some resources to help you start today, here are some lesson plans to get you through until you have a solid plan.

Elementary Lessons


  • Read Alouds – read something to your kids every day, see Elementary Resources below
  • Reading: Primers, Readers, and Chapter Books – kids read from their level of reader each day
  • Handwriting – kids practice handwriting with copywork from something they read that day, parent chooses a sentence, keep it short
  • Spelling – kids who can read can spell, use dictation for spelling practice, see method below
  • Math – K-2nd count, sort, learn numbers, play with shapes, learn the days of week, flash cards if old enough; 3rd+ flash cards or something from resources below


  • Fine Arts – follow our Simple Beauty list, study art, music, nature, hymns, culture, etc. throughout the week
  • Nature Study – spend many hours outdoors, teach children to really look at things, practicing their observation skills, and let them draw the things they see

Elementary Resources

Read Alouds

Primers – Children new to reading who know letter sounds

Readers – Children who know the basics and need lots of practice

Chapter Books – Children who are ready for longer lessons with interesting material

Handwriting – Copy Work

  • Letter Formation: When children are learning their letters, the forming of the letters is their copy work for the day; here’s an online worksheet generator for print, italics, or cursive
  • Copy Work: For children who are just starting to read, a short section (a phrase or sentence) from their reading should be copied in their best handwriting, either print or cursive depending on what you are working on

Spelling – Studied Dictation

  • For older children who have good handwriting and are reading, dictation can be started for spelling practice – if they can read it, they can spell it. Try this Study, Review, Review method:
    • Study – The teacher chooses a paragraph or page from the student’s own reading books. The student will do these things:
      • Read it
      • Copy any new words
      • Say those words out loud
      • Spell them out loud
      • Sound them phonetically out loud and/or make up creative way to remember the spelling like a song
      • The teacher chooses a smaller selection from the paragraph or page, depending on the student’s ability, and dictates it to them slowly, without repeating anything, and the student writes all the words dictated to them
    • Review – Next day, the teacher will do these things:
      • Say each new word from the day before out loud (can say it with the creative way, also)
      • The teacher and the student spell those new words from the day before out loud
      • The teacher dictates the passage and the student writes all the words dictated to them
    • Review – Next day, the teacher will review again:
      • Dictate the passage again
      • If no mistakes, then study a new passage the next school day
      • If mistakes, review any missed word(s), and review again the next day or save the passage for next week


Middle and High School Lessons


  • History
  • Math
  • Science
  • Language Arts


Middle School Resources




Language Arts

High School Resources




Language Arts

Coming soon…


Coming soon…

General Homeschooling Resources


  • Pencils or pens
  • Lined paper or just plain computer paper
  • If you need art supplies, books, games, puzzles or other entertainment, support a small business run by homeschoolers by buying from Miller Pads and Paper

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