Your support of HSOK allows us to keep working for you!
Homeschool Oklahoma is Oklahoma’s statewide homeschool organization. Our mission is to protect, promote, equip, and encourage privately-funded, parent-led home education. When you join a state homeschool organization, you further the mission to preserve our educational freedom. Paul Rose, the former President of HSOK, discusses our role in protecting parental rights in this podcast episode.
Oklahoma’s legislation regarding homeschooling is one of the best in the country, and we fight to keep it that way. Homeschool Oklahoma protects our right to home-educate by watching over upcoming bills in the Oklahoma Legislature and alerting our members when bills require their attention. We protect our freedom to homeschool in this state by fighting to keep it free of government control.
We promote privately-funded, parent-led home education. This means we want to come alongside you, the parent and teacher, to encourage you and give you tools to educate your children at home without government assistance.
We want to help you in your pursuit of homeschooling. Throughout the year, Homeschool Oklahoma offers many resources for families, including an annual family conference, museum days, and a free e-newsletter and blog with helpful homeschooling articles. We strive to be a clearinghouse of information for home educators across the state.
Our team of volunteers knows what it’s like to need a community. You can do this! Let us help.
Your membership promotes all of the work done by Homeschool Oklahoma. You can help us protect the constitutional right to homeschool, host events to equip and encourage your homeschool journey, support our growing website, blog, newsletter, and social media.
HSOK is a 501c3 non-profit organization. Your Supporting Membership is tax-deductible in the amount of $50
Benefits of membership:
- Discount to HSLDA Membership ($15 value)
- Discount to the HSOK Family Conference
- Digital Back Issues of the HSOK Informer
- Early registration to opportunities like Homeschool Day at the Cowboy Hall of Fame.
- Members-only access to the HSOK Website and its extras
- Special gifts and coupons from our Sponsors