Meet Heather Haupt, Keynote Speaker

Heather Haupt is the mother of three knights-in-training and two spunky princesses. She wants to be intentional during these years of parenting and raise children who will make a difference in this world. Recognizing the brevity of childhood and the power of a parent’s influence, Heather both inspires and equips families toward intentional parenting, pursuing God, and delighting in the adventure of learning. She is the author of the book Knights-in-Training: Ten Principles for Raising Honorable, Courageous and Compassionate Boys, The Ultimate Guide to Brain Breaks, as well as co-author of the GO TOGETHER Curriculum: A Literature- Heavy, Movement-Rich Learning Adventure. She writes at and

Keynote: Bold Parenting in a Brave New World

9:00 AM in the AUDITORIUM

We are seeing changes occur in the culture at breakneck speed. Clarity, discernment, and vision are necessary now more than ever. We need a generation of parents who will fight for their kids and create their own culture within the home. We need a generation of parents who will preserve a godly heritage and prepare their kids to make a difference. Let’s rise and walk with boldness the path God has called us to as we raise a generation of children who cherish the truth and bring hope to their communities.

Help for the Distracted Child

10:30 AM in the AUDITORIUM

Do you have one of those kids who gets easily side-tracked? You know, tapping pencils, staring out windows or constantly starting something new without finishing the first assignment? Why does this happen, and what can we do to help them hone their focus and succeed in the task at hand? In this highly distractible day and age, attention is a hot commodity. Come discover vital tips to help your child get focused and stay focused.

Intentional Parenting: Setting Goals with the End in Mind

2:00 pM in the AUDITORIUM

How do you stay focused on your end goal while traversing the twists and turns that daily life in the homeschool trenches provides?  Casting a vision for your family, making long-term goals and breaking those big-picture goals into bite-size chunks are key! Come to this inspiring workshop and discover tips and tools to have a long-term focus and stay intentional in your parenting during the homeschool journey! 

*Homeschooling with GRIT and GRACE

3:30 pM in the auditorium

The rewards of homeschooling are many, but so are the challenges. Sometimes, we are plagued by doubt, but often, we are just plain tuckered out. What is the key to starting and finishing strong? Why does it matter? WHAT truly matters? Perfection is not possible, but faithfulness and tenacity are a must. Renew your vision, refresh your
spirit, and re-energize for this life-changing mission of home education.

Meet Elizabeth Santelmann

Elizabeth Santelmann and her husband, Joseph, are second-generation homeschoolers who live in Oklahoma City with their three small boys. Her family laughingly says they have a revolving front door because, with Elizabeth’s extroversion, their home is a hub for entertaining. She hopes to share, through writing, what she is learning about gently nurturing children toward the gospel. Follow her @sunshineinmynest on Instagram.

How Routines Can Transform Your Homeschool Day

3:30 pM in Room A

How to Habit Train, and why it’s important, and how to create a hands-off morning basket routine.  

Homeschooling with Toddlers and Preschoolers

10:30 AM in Room B

How in the world does it work to homeschool when you have toddlers and preschoolers?

Meet Hannah DeForest

Hannah DeForest is the founder of Tidy Home and School Room, a home organization business designed to help families thrive. She starts by learning the dynamics and lifestyle that make your family unique, then works alongside you to create tailored systems that flow well and are easy to keep up with. Hannah understands that with all the life and learning happening at home, clutter and disorganization naturally occur. With a little coaching, her clients learn to overcome the natural hurdles associated with homeschooling and housekeeping. Let a fellow homeschooling mom help you get organized and thrive!

Organized and Thriving with ADHD! –  Home Care for Neurodivergent Minds

2:00 PM in Room A

Unlock the power of focus and productivity! Join me as we walk through 6 proven strategies created specifically for neurodivergent minds! In this workshop, we’ll cover practical approaches to conquering clutter and successfully navigating everyday home-care tasks. You’ll gain insights into how to clarify your priorities and create functional “to-do” lists. We’ll also cover ADHD-friendly methods for overcoming distractions and common obstacles to starting and finishing tasks. Seize this opportunity to transform your world! Step into a future of accomplishment and satisfaction!

Clutter No More in ’24! – Decluttering and Organizing Made Simple

3:30 PM in Room C

Are you ready to transform your living space into a haven of tranquility and productivity? Welcome to a journey of reclaiming control over your surroundings! In this workshop, we’ll cover the steps to “no-mess, progress-only” decluttering, developing a vision for your home, and overcoming common decluttering obstacles. Join us to learn the strategies, tips, and insights that will empower you to embark on your decluttering journey with confidence! Cultivate a home that reflects your values, supports your goals, and brings joy to your daily life! Let’s embark together on a journey to create spaces that not only look beautiful but foster productivity and enrich your lifestyle!

Meet Elizabeth Ensor

Elisabeth Ensor is a second-generation homeschool mom, wife of 20+ years, mother of 2 boys, and world traveler. Lisa is an inspired maker, serial entrepreneur, and contributing writer to Wild & Free magazine, Learning Well magazine, and Wildflower Girls magazine. She loves sewing, testing new recipes for her family, and meeting with her book club. In her spare time, you’ll find her reading multiple books at once, working out, and dreaming of her family’s next adventure.

Why Your Kids Will Love Learning Oklahoma History

10:30 AM in room C

Join Elisabeth Ensor as she shares her journey of discovering a new, hands-on approach to studying Oklahoma’s rich history, complete with engaging literature, recipes, activities, and field trips. You’ll learn practical ways to inspire students of all ages and actively make history come alive. Whether you’re a new or seasoned homeschool parent, you’ll walk away with new ideas and view her Oklahoma history curriculum, Pioneer Spirit, firsthand. 

Why We All Need Mentors and Seasoned Moms In Our Lives

3:30 pM in Room D

Have you ever wondered what you could do better in your homeschooling and parenting journey? (Or am I the only one?) In this workshop, you’ll learn helpful tips to make life at home—and homeschool—better and more enriching for everyone. With over a decade of homeschool teaching experience and as a second-generation homeschool educator, Lisa will share how she has intentionally connected with dozens of older “seasoned moms” for guidance, advice, and mentorship.

Meet Gina Conroy

Release the Writing Teacher in You! From Tears to Cheers (for parents)

2:00 pM in Room B

The signs are obvious: the crying, the whining, the frustration. And the kids are stressed out about writing, too! If every time you sit down to write it feels more like a lose-lose battle, maybe it’s time you wave the white flag and surrender. In this workshop, you will learn what you need to give up to usher in an era of peace and creativity in your student’s writing and your teaching. You will learn the skills to go from grammar nazi to writing coach, and you will feel confident in new writing mechanics as you encourage your writer to be self-expressed and creative.

Creative Writing for School and Life: The Whys and Hows of Making Your Words Work for You

3:30 pM in Room B

Writing touches your everyday life. Whether writing a school essay or sending a text, to communicate effectively, you have to know the relationship between words and be able to string them together in a way that says exactly what you mean. Unlike algebra, you will use writing every day as a student and an adult in your everyday life and your career. In this workshop, we will explore different ways writing affects your life and future career. And we’ll learn techniques to communicate effectively, which will give you the edge you need in school and in life.

Meet Cindy Bergren

Cindy Bergren has been married to Steven for 19 years and has two children, ages 14 and 11. She has homeschooled her children for the past eleven years. One of Cindy’s favorite hobbies is tabletop gaming. She will play anytime she has an opportunity, whether that is family game night, with her game group, or during the school day. She believes that learning should be fun and loves finding ways to incorporate games into all the subjects they explore.

Gameschooling – Make Learning Fun Again

10:30 AM in Room D

There are so many things we can learn from games aside from just taking turns and following directions.  Games can be used to supplement every subject.  Come learn how to add some fun and games to your homeschool year.

Meet Jennifer Courtney

Jennifer Courtney has a passion for developing curriculum that helps homeschool parents to give their children a classical, Christian education at home and in community. She and her husband, Tim, live in Edmond, Oklahoma. They have four children, three of whom have graduated from their homeschool. Jennifer currently serves as the Chief Academic Officer of Classical Conversations MultiMedia.  She leads a team of curriculum developers as they produce books and assignment guides for students ages 4 to graduation.

In her spare time, Jennifer loves to read, especially 19th-century British novels. She also adores cooking, baking, and food in general. She loves crochet, needlepoint, and scrapbooking. As a child, she loved Charles Dickens so much that she used to carry a hardback copy of his stories to kindergarten.

Teaching Through Story

10:30 AM in Room A

When Nathan the prophet confronts King David, he does it not with a lecture but with a simple story. Fairy tales, myths, and legends can inspire Christian virtue in ourselves and our students in a way that no sermon or lecture can. In this session, we will explore how these brief and timeless tales inspire good thoughts, good words, and good deeds. We will examine how the tales work by using supernatural elements to illuminate both the wicked and the righteous characters. Learn practical and simple tips for cultivating the moral imagination of your family. 

Meet Betsa Delgado

Betsa Delgado and her husband Jason have been married for 20 years, and together, they are the proud parents of two beautiful girls. Betsa immigrated to the United States as a child and came from a broken, abusive home. These experiences and her surrender to Christ have shaped and molded her to be the
woman she is today. She is a homeschool mom who is passionate about encouraging women to follow Jesus. She is active in her church and in her homeschool community. She enjoys spending time with her girls and loves to cook. She loves helping her girls achieve their dreams and has helped them build their businesses. Her home is her sanctuary and her favorite place to be.

Raising Young Entrepreneurs

2:00 pM in Room D

Betsa will share her story on how she went from a skeptical homeschooling mom to a mom who learned to cultivate an entrepreneur environment in her home. She shares how she taught her daughters and how, together, this family built two successful businesses. Both daughters now own and operate their own businesses. Bella is the founder and owner of Que Bella Bakery, a gluten-free business, and Daniela founded Shelter Shiner, a storm shelter cleaning company. In this talk, she shares different practical ways you, too, can cultivate an entrepreneurial environment in your home.

Meet Kevin Collins

Kevin Collins serves on the board of trustees for Homeschool Oklahoma. He and his wife, Kathy, homeschooled their son and daughter from K4 to 12th grade. They are now enjoying the wonderful season of grandparenting. Kevin has been involved in protecting homeschooling freedom in Oklahoma for the past 14 years. He is the legislative liaison for Homeschool Oklahoma. He wants not only his children but also his grandchildren and great-grandchildren to enjoy the freedom to homeschool in our state.

How Do You Protect Your Freedom to Homeschool

2:00 pM in Room D

Kevin will discuss what can be done to keep your homeschooling freedom safe in Oklahoma. He will also share how to navigate the legislative arena in our state and answer questions you may have concerning dangers that threaten your freedom to homeschool. 

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